ETCSLpublications | ![]() | Sign name: MES Values: kišib, meš3 |
Publications arising from the ETCSL project1998Black, Jeremy A. Reading Sumerian poetry. London: Athlone. 2000Black, Jeremy A. 'History of morphological research, I.II.4. The Ancient Near East', in Geert E. Booij, Christian Lehmann, Joachim Mugdan and Stavros Skopeteas (eds.), Morphology: an international handbook on inflection and word formation, Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 35-40. Black, Jeremy A. and Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi. 'A balbale of Ninurta, god of fertility'. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 90, 31-39. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'W 1643ac (= AUWE 23 101)'. NABU (2000), no. 38. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Amar-Suena and Enki's temple'. NABU (2000), no. 51. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Išme-Dagan K, line 2'. NABU (2000), no. 52. 2001Black, Jeremy A. 'Les bêtes qui parlent: les animaux dans les récits mythologiques sumériens', in Dominique Parayre (ed.), Les animaux et les hommes dans le monde syro-mésopotamien aux époques historiques, Topoi, suppl 2, 67-382. Robson, Eleanor. 'The tablet house: a scribal school in Old Babylonian Nippur'. Revue d'Assyriologie 95, 39-67. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Another recension of Išme-Dagan O: BM 114862 (CT 58 25)'. Iraq 63, 139-148. Zólyomi, Gábor G. and David R. Brown, '"Daylight converts to night-time": an astrological-astronomical reference in Sumerian literary context'. Iraq 63, 149-154. 2002Black, Jeremy A. 'The Sumerians in their landscape', in Tzvi Abusch (ed.), Riches hidden in secret places: Ancient Near Eastern Studies in memory of Thorkild Jacobsen, Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 41-61. Black, Jeremy A. 'Sumerian lexical categories'. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 92, 60-77. Black, Jeremy A. 'En-ḫedu-ana not the author of the Temple Hymns'. NABU (2002), no. 4. Robson, Eleanor. 'More than metrology: mathematics education in an Old Babylonian scribal school', in J. Steele and A. Imhausen (eds.), Under one sky: mathematics and astronomy in the ancient Near East, Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 325-365. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Collation of AO 8864 (TCL 16 88), a ms. of Iddin-Dagan B ('. NABU (2002), no. 85. 2003Black, Jeremy A. 'Sumerian noises: ideophones in context', in W. Sallaberger (ed.), Literatur, Politik, und Recht in Mesopotamien: Festschrift für Claus Wilcke, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 35-52. Robson, Eleanor. 'Bird and Fish in the Old Babylonian Sumerian literary catalogues'. NABU (2003), no. 68. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'A manuscript of Ningišzida's journey to the Nether World from Kiš, Ingharra'. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 93, 70-81. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Ni 4345 - a new manuscript of The advice of a supervisor to a younger scribe (E-dubba C)'. NABU (2003), no. 57. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Ni 9906: a new manuscript of Enlil in the Ekur (Enlil A)'. NABU (2003), no. 58. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Ni 4538 - a new manuscript of Šulgi B'. NABU (2003), no. 59. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Ni 9857 and Ni 4400: two new manuscripts of Enmerkar and En-suḫgir-ana'. NABU (2003), no. 61. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Ni 4391 - a duplicate of UM 29-16-549'. NABU (2003), no. 88. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Five newly identified literary fragments from various publications'. NABU (2003), no. 90. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Two newly identified fragments from ISET 1'. NABU (2003), no. 91. 2004Black, Jeremy A., Graham Cunningham, Eleanor Robson and Gábor G. Zólyomi. The literature of ancient Sumer. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Black, Jeremy A. 'Dumuzid and his sisters'. Orientalia 73, 228-34. Black, Jeremy A. 'Ninĝišzida and Ninazimua'. Orientalia 73, 215-27. Black, Jeremy A. 'Sprachwandel im Sumerischen', in Jan-Waalke Meyer and Walter Sommerfeld (eds.), 2000 v. Chr. Politische, wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung im Zeichen einer Jahrtausendwende. 3. Internationales Colloquium der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 4.-7. April 2000 in Frankfurt/Main und Marburg/Lahn, Saarbrücker Druckerei und Verlag, 171-183. 2005Black, Jeremy A. 'Poesie'. Reallexikon der Assyriologie 10:7/8, 593-597. Black, Jeremy A. 'Some Sumerian adjectives'. Acta Sumerologica 22 (2000), 3-27. Black, Jeremy A. 'Songs of the goddess Aruru', in Yitschak Sefati, Pinhas Artzi, Chaim Cohen, Barry L. Eichler and Victor A. Hurowitz (eds.), An Experienced Scribe who Neglects Nothing. Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honor of Jacob Klein, Bethesda: CDL Press, 39-62. Black, Jeremy A. and Gábor G. Zólyomi (eds.). Special Volume in Honor of Professor Mamoru Yoshikawa, 1. The Study of Diachronic and Synchronic Variation in Sumerian: Papers Presented at the 6th Meeting of the Sumerian Grammar Discussion Group, Oxford, 17th and 18th September 1999. (Acta Sumerologica 22 [2000]) Hiroshima: The Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan. Robson, Eleanor. 'A new manuscript of Ninmešara (ETCSL 4.07.2), lines 109-139'. Orientalia 74, 382-388. Taylor, Jon. 'The Sumerian proverb collection'. Revue d'Assyriologie 99, 13-38. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'A hymn to Ninšubur', in Yitschak Sefati, Pinhas Artzi, Chaim Cohen, Barry L. Eichler and Victor A. Hurowitz (eds.), An Experienced Scribe who Neglects Nothing. Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honor of Jacob Klein, Bethesda: CDL Press, 396-412. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Structural interference from Akkadian in Old Babylonian Sumerian'. Acta Sumerologica 22 (2000), 335-360. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Sumerisch', in Michael Streck (ed.), Schriften und Sprachen des Alten Orients. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 11-43. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Left-dislocated possessors in Sumerian', in Katalin É. Kiss (ed.), Universal Grammar in the Reconstruction of Ancient Languages. Studies in Generative Grammar, 83. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 161-188. Lion, B. and Eleanor Robson. 'Quelques textes scolaires paléo-babyloniens rédigés par des femmes'. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 57 (2005), 37-54. 2006Cunningham, Graham. 'Sumerian', in Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of language and linguistics, Oxford: Elsevier, volume 12, 271. 2007Ebeling, Jarle and Graham Cunningham (eds.). Analysing literary Sumerian. Corpus-based approaches. London: Equinox. Black, Jeremy A. (ed. Eleanor Robson). 'Sumerian', in J. N. Postgate, The languages of Iraq, London: British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 4-30. Black, Jeremy A. and Gábor G. Zólyomi. 'Introduction to the study of Sumerian', in Jarle Ebeling and Graham Cunningham (eds.), Analysing Literary Sumerian: Corpus-based Approaches, 1-33. Cunningham, Graham. 'In the company of ni2 ‘self’ and ‘fear(someness)’', in Jarle Ebeling and Graham Cunningham (eds.).Analysing Literary Sumerian: Corpus-based Approaches, 70-104. Cunningham, Graham. 'A catalogue of Sumerian literature (based on Miguel Civil's catalogue of Sumerian literature)', in Jarle Ebeling and Graham Cunningham (eds.).Analysing Literary Sumerian: Corpus-based Approaches,351-412. Ebeling, Jarle. 'Corpora, corpus linguistics, and the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature', in Jarle Ebeling and Graham Cunningham (eds.). Analysing Literary Sumerian: Corpus-based Approaches, 33-50. Ebeling, Jarle. 'The vocabulary of literary Sumerian: a corpus-driven investigation', in Jarle Ebeling and Graham Cunningham (eds.).Analysing Literary Sumerian: Corpus-based Approaches, 51-69. Ebeling, Jarle. 'The meaning and function of multiword-verb combinations with and without ak ‘to do’', in Jarle Ebeling and Graham Cunningham (eds.).Analysing Literary Sumerian: Corpus-based Approaches, 144-183. Robson, Eleanor. 'Gendered literacy and numeracy in the Sumerian literary corpus', in Jarle Ebeling and Graham Cunningham (eds.).Analysing Literary Sumerian: Corpus-based Approaches, 215-249. Robson, Eleanor. 'Literacy, numeracy, and the state in early Mesopotamia', in Kathryn Lomas (ed.), Literacy and the State in the Ancient Mediterranean, London: Accordia Research Institute, 37-50. Taylor, Jon. 'A quantitative analysis of the Sumerian proverb collections', in Jarle Ebeling and Graham Cunningham (eds.).Analysing Literary Sumerian: Corpus-based Approaches , 273-315.Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Variation in the multiword expression igi bar in the Old Babylonian period', in Jarle Ebeling and Graham Cunningham (eds.). Analysing Literary Sumerian: Corpus-based Approaches, 316-350. 2008Cunningham, Graham. 'Identifying Sumerian compound nouns', in Robert Biggs, Jennie Myers and Martha Roth (eds.), Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Chicago 2005. Classifications of Knowledge in the Ancient Near East: Lexicography, Iconography, Stratigraphy, Chicago: Oriental Institute Publications, 17-24. 2009Robson, Eleanor. 'The clay tablet in Sumer, Babylonia, and Assyria', in Simon Eliot and Jonathan Rose (eds.), A companion to the history of the book, Oxford: Blackwell. 2010Heather D. Baker, Eleanor Robson and Gábor G. Zólyomi (eds.). Your praise is sweet: a memorial volume for Jeremy Black from students, colleagues and friends. Oxford: Griffith Institute. Cunningham, Graham. 'Sumerian word classes reconsidered', in Heather D. Baker et al. (eds.) Your Praise is Sweet. A Memorial Volume for Jeremy Black from Students, Colleagues and Friends. Oxford: Griffith Institute, 41-53. Cunningham, Graham. 'Hero and villain: analyses of Sargon and Ur-Zababa', in Fredrik Hagen et al. (eds.), Narratives of Egypt and the Ancient Near East. Literary-Linguistic Approaches, Leuven: Peeters, 81-96. Ebeling, Jarle. 'The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature'. Corpora. Ebeling, Jarle. 'The ETCSL: an all-in-one-corpus?', in Heather D. Baker et al. (eds.).Your praise is sweet: a memorial volume for Jeremy Black from students, colleagues and friends. Oxford: Griffith Institute, 53-67. Ohgama, Naoko and Eleanor Robson. 'Scribal schooling in Old Babylonian Kish', in Heather D. Baker et al. (eds.).Your praise is sweet: a memorial volume for Jeremy Black from students, colleagues and friends. Oxford: Griffith Institute, 207-236. Taylor, Jon. 'On the interpretation of two critical passages in Gilgamesh and Huwawa', in Heather D. Baker et al. (eds.).Your praise is sweet: a memorial volume for Jeremy Black from students, colleagues and friends. Oxford: Griffith Institute, 351-360. Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Hymns to Ninisina and Nergal on the tablets Ashmolean 1911.235 and Ni 9672', in Heather D. Baker et al. (eds.). Your Praise is Sweet. A Memorial Volume for Jeremy Black from Students, Colleagues and Friends. Oxford: Griffith Institute, 413-428. Publications in electronic formBlack, Jeremy A. and Gábor G. Zólyomi. 'The study of diachronic and synchronic variation in Sumerian'. Manuscript. (diachronsum.pdf) Cunningham, Graham. 'The syntax of Sumerian multiword verbs'. Syntax of the world's languages (SWL 1), Leipzig (Germany), 5-8 August 2004. Handout. ( Ebeling, Jarle. 'Sumerian word order patterns'. Syntax of the world's languages (SWL 1), Leipzig (Germany), 5-8 August 2004. Handout. ( Zólyomi, Gábor G. 'Topicalized and external possessors in Sumerian'.Syntax of the world's languages (SWL 1), Leipzig (Germany), 5-8 August 2004. Manuscript and handout. ( In pressRobson, Eleanor. 'Solitary heroes or scholarly communities? On Sumerian literature and its practitioners', in Roland Enmarch and V. Lepper (eds.), Ancient Egyptian Literature: Theory and Practice, London: The British Academy. |
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© Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The ETCSL project, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford |
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