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ga [N] (GA)
   milk {freq. 159}

ga-an-tuš [N] (GA-AN-KU)
   tenant {freq. 1}

ga-an-ze-er [N] (GA-AN-ZI-IR)
   flame {freq. 3}

ga-ar3 [N] (GA-HI×AŠ2)
   cheese {freq. 15}

ga-ba-al [N] (GA-BA-AL)
   fight {freq. 6}

ga-ba-ra-ḫum [N] (GA-BA-RA-LUM)
   despair {freq. 2}

ga-du [N] (GA-DU)
   door jamb? {freq. 1}

ga-ga [N] (GA-GA)
   cream {freq. 6}

ga-il2 [N] (GA-IL2)
   milk carrier {freq. 1}

ga-ki-si-im-ma [N] (GA-KI-SI-IM-MA)
   soured milk {freq. 1}

ga-na [I] (GA-NA)
   directive expression {freq. 16}

ga-nam [AV] (GA-NAM)
   moreover {freq. 27}

ga-nu11 [N] (GA-NU11)
   ostrich {freq. 2}

ga-ra-an [N] (GA-RA-AN)
   bunch (of fruit) {freq. 8}

ga-raš [N] (GA-KASKAL)
   leek {freq. 17}

ga-rig2 [N] (GA-ZUM)
   comb {freq. 7}

ga-rig2-ak [N] (GA-ZUM-AK)
   carding comb {freq. 2}

ga-sur-ra [N] (GA-SUR-RA)
   type of stone {freq. 3}

ga-šum [N] (GA-TAG)
   assassin {freq. 2}

ga-til3 [N] (GA-TI)
   (offering) supplication {freq. 6}

ga-zi-in-bu [N] (GA-ZI-IN-BU)
   stake {freq. 3}

ga14-ra-du-um [N] (KA-RA-DU-UM)
   warrior {freq. 2}

gab2-gaz [N] (KAB-GUM׊E)
   murderer {freq. 2}

gab2-il2 [N] (KAB-IL2)
   side beam {freq. 1}

gaba [N] (GABA)
   chest {freq. 212}

gaba-ĝal2 [AJ] (GABA-IG)
   forceful {freq. 21}

gaba-ĝal2 [N] (GABA-IG)
   part of chariot {freq. 2}

gaba-ri [N] (GABA-RI)
   equal {freq. 54}

gaba-šu-ĝar [N] (GABA-ŠU-GAR)
   rival {freq. 17}

gabu2 [N] (KAB)
   left (side) {freq. 38}

gada [N] (GAD)
   linen (fibre) {freq. 41}

   stake? {freq. 3}

gag [N] (KAK)
   peg {freq. 37}

gag-dag2 [N] (KAK-UD)
   type of tool {freq. 1}

gag-ku6-la2 [N] (KAK-HA-LAL)
   fish-hook {freq. 1}

gag-pan [N] (KAK-PAN)
   type of arrow {freq. 4}

gag-sila3 [N] (KAK-SILA3)
   harness {freq. 1}

gag-ti [N] (KAK-TI)
   type of arrow {freq. 1}

gag-u2-tag-ga [N] (KAK-U2-TAG-GA)
   type of arrow {freq. 1}

gakkul [N] (U.DIM׊E)
   fermenting vat {freq. 17}

gakkul [N] (U.DIM׊E)
   (plant) heart {freq. 4}

gal [V] (GAL)
   to be big {freq. 1781}

gal-an-zu [AJ] (GAL-AN-ZU)
   wise {freq. 34}

gal-di [AJ] (GAL-DI)
   important {freq. 12}

gal-zu [AJ] (GAL-ZU)
   skilful {freq. 68}

gal4-la [N] (SAL-LA)
   female genitals {freq. 52}

gal5-la2 [N] (TE-LAL)
   type of demon {freq. 66}

gala [N] (UŠ.KU)
   lament singer {freq. 28}

gala-maḫ [N] (UŠ.KU-MAH)
   chief lament singer {freq. 2}

gala-tur-ra [N] (UŠ.KU-TUR-RA)
   type of cult performer {freq. 6}

galam [V] (GALAM)
   to be skilful {freq. 100}

gam [V] (GAM)
   to bow down {freq. 115}

gam3 [N] (PAP.NA2)
   dorsal fin {freq. 1}

gam3-gam3 [N] (PAP.NA2-PAP.NA2)
   diving water bird {freq. 2}

gambix [N] (SAL.UŠ.DI.KID)
   crane? {freq. 1}

gan [AJ] (GAN)
   (child)bearing {freq. 9}

gan [N] (GAN)
   vessel stand {freq. 3}

   violent south wind {freq. 1}

gana2 [N] (GAN2)
   field {freq. 118}

gana2 [N] (GAN2)
   shackle {freq. 1}

gana2-ur3 [N] (GAN2-GA2×NUN/NUN)
   harrow {freq. 8}

ganam4 [N] (LAGAB×GUD+GUD)
   ewe {freq. 1}

ganba [N] (KI.LAM)
   market (price) {freq. 12}

gar3 [N] (GAR3)
   pommel {freq. 7}

gara2 [N] (GAgunu)
   cream {freq. 16}

garadin3 [N] (ŠE/ŠE.TAB/TAB.GAR/GAR)
   sheaf {freq. 9}

garaš2 [N] (KI.KAL×BAD)
   destruction {freq. 7}

garaš2 [N] (KI.KAL×BAD)
   military camp {freq. 1}

gašam [N] (NUN.ME.TAG)
   (expert) craftsman {freq. 7}

gašam [N] (NUN.ME.TAG)
   type of reed {freq. 2}

gaz [V] (GUM׊E)
   to strike (dead) {freq. 67}

gazi [N] (GA2×PA)
   mustard? {freq. 5}

gazi-mu-su3-ud [N] (GA2×PA-MU-SUD-UD)
   type of stone {freq. 1}

geme2 [N] (SAL.KUR)
   female slave {freq. 91}

gen6 [V] (GI)
   to be firm {freq. 233}

genna [N] (TUR.DIŠ)
   child {freq. 1}

gi [N] (GI)
   reed {freq. 145}

gi [N] (GI)
   verdict {freq. 2}

gi-a-dag [N] (GI-A-DAG)
   type of raft {freq. 1}

gi-bar-bar-ra [N] (GI-BAR-BAR-RA)
   type of arrow? {freq. 2}

gi-di [N] (GI-DI)
   type of wind instrument {freq. 3}

gi-dirig [N] (GI-SI.A)
   type of raft {freq. 4}

gi-diš-nindan [N] (GI-DIŠ-GAR)
   measuring rod {freq. 10}

gi-du3 [N] (GI-KAK)
   type of enclosure {freq. 2}

gi-dub-ba [N] (GI-DUB-BA)
   stylus {freq. 9}

gi-dur [N] (GI-GU2×KAK)
   (umbilical) cord {freq. 7}

gi-en3-dur [N] (GI-LI-GU2×KAK)
   umbilical cord {freq. 1}

gi-gag [N] (GI-KAK)
   pointed reed {freq. 1}

gi-gid2 [N] (GI-BU)
   type of wind instrument and composition {freq. 6}

gi-gun4-na [N] (GI-ABgunu-NA)
   temple terrace {freq. 23}

gi-gur [N] (GI-GUR)
   capacity measure (container) {freq. 11}

gi-gur-da [N] (GI-GUR-DA)
   capacity measure container {freq. 2}

gi-il-gi-il [V] (GI-IL-GI-IL)
   to harness? {freq. 1}

gi-izi-eš-ta [N] (GI-NE-U.U.U-TA)
   designation of bread {freq. 3}

gi-izi-la2 [N] (GI-NE-LAL)
   torch {freq. 5}

gi-me-a-aš [N] (GI-ME-A-AŠ)
   colleague {freq. 1}

gi-muš [N] (GI-MUŠ)
   punting pole {freq. 9}

gi-nindan [N] (GI-GAR)
   measuring rod {freq. 3}

gi-ri2-in [N] (GI-URU-IN)
   cornelian {freq. 2}

gi-rin [N] (GI-LAGAB)
   blossom {freq. 43}

gi-rin [V] (GI-LAGAB)
   to be clear {freq. 7}

gi-rin-ḫi-li-ba [N] (GI-LAGAB-HI-LI-BA)
   type of stone {freq. 1}

gi-ru [N] (GI-RU)
   term of endearment {freq. 7}

gi-sa [N] (GI-SA)
   reed bundle {freq. 1}

gi-sal [N] (GI-SAL)
   eaves {freq. 1}

gi-sig [N] (GI-SIG)
   type of fence {freq. 8}

gi-šu-ak [N] (GI-ŠU-AK)
   type of mat {freq. 4}

gi-šukur [N] (GI-IGI.KAK)
   type of enclosure {freq. 3}

gi-šul-ḫi [N] (GI-DUN-HI)
   type of reed {freq. 1}

gi-zi [N] (GI-ZI)
   type of reed {freq. 23}

gi-zu2-lum-ma [N] (GI-KA-LUM-MA)
   nettle? {freq. 1}

gi2-dim [N] (KID-DIM)
   hay fork {freq. 4}

gi4 [V] (GI4)
   to return {freq. 924}

gi4-X [N] (GI4-X)
   type of bird {freq. 1}

gi16-sa [N] (GI%GI-SA)
   (everlasting) treasure {freq. 40}

gib [V] (GI%GI)
   to lie across (obstructively) {freq. 18}

gibil [V] (NEcecig)
   to be new {freq. 44}

gid2 [V] (BU)
   to be long {freq. 244}

gidim [N] (GIDIM)
   ghost {freq. 30}

gig [N] (GIG)
   wheat {freq. 14}

gig [V] (GIG)
   to be ill {freq. 296}

gig-zid2 [N] (GIG-ZI3)
   type of crop {freq. 1}

gig2 [V] (MI)
   to be black {freq. 160}

gigir [N] (LAGAB×BAD)
   chariot {freq. 35}

giĝ4 [N] (DUN3gunu)
   type of axe {freq. 11}

giĝ4 [N] (DUN3gunu)
   weight measure {freq. 31}

GIL-ak [N] (GIL-AK)
   arrow? {freq. 1}

gilim [V] (GI%GI)
   to be intertwined {freq. 5}

gir [N] (HAgunu)
   type of fish {freq. 2}

gir-gid2 [N] (HAgunu-BU)
   type of bird {freq. 1}

gir4 [N] (U.AD)
   oven {freq. 22}

gir5 [N] (DUcecig)
   foreigner {freq. 9}

gir5 [V] (DUcecig)
   to slip in or through {freq. 10}

gir15 [AJ] (EŠ2)
   noble {freq. 4}

gir16 [N] (GIR3×GAN2tenu)
   type of container {freq. 2}

giraba [N] (AB.HAgunu)
   type of fish {freq. 1}

giri16-i-lu [N] (GIR3×GAN2tenu-I-LU)
   bird-cry {freq. 1}

giri16-i-lu [N] (GIR3×GAN2tenu-I-LU)
   type of gull? {freq. 2}

giri17 [N] (KA)
   nose {freq. 107}

giri17-dab [N] (KA-DIB)
   animal driver {freq. 1}

giri17-zal [N] (KA-NI)
   joy {freq. 154}

giriš [N] (HI׊E)
   butterfly {freq. 2}

gu [N] (GU)
   (flax) thread {freq. 114}

gu-du [N] (GU-DU)
   buttocks {freq. 12}

gu-du [N] (GU-DU)
   type of cord {freq. 2}

gu-nu [N] (GU-NU)
   flax {freq. 35}

gu-ru-um [N] (GU-RU-UM)
   pile {freq. 8}

gu-šum2 [N] (GU-SUM)
   cuneiform wedge {freq. 1}

gu-za [N] (GU-ZA)
   chair {freq. 96}

gu-za-la2 [N] (GU-ZA-LAL)
   throne bearer {freq. 2}

gu2 [N] (GU2)
   entirety {freq. 2}

gu2 [N] (GU2)
   neck {freq. 571}

gu2 [N] (GU2)
   pulse {freq. 8}

gu2-X [N] (GU2-X)
   type of hairstyle {freq. 2}

gu2-bar [N] (GU2-BAR)
   enemy {freq. 1}

gu2-bar [N] (GU2-BAR)
   neck (hair) {freq. 8}

gu2-bi-gu2-zag-ga [N] (GU2-BI-GU2-ZAG-GA)
   type of bird {freq. 1}

gu2-bi2 [N] (GU2-NE)
   eel? {freq. 1}

gu2-bi2 [N] (GU2-NE)
   type of bird {freq. 1}

gu2-dirig [N] (GU2-SI.A)
   totality {freq. 2}

gu2-e [N] (GU2-E)
   near side {freq. 8}

gu2-en [N] (GU2-EN)
   assembly chamber {freq. 13}

gu2-en [N] (GU2-EN)
   entirety {freq. 3}

gu2-en-na [N] (GU2-EN-NA)
   silt {freq. 1}

gu2-erim2 [N] (GU2-NE.RU)
   enemy {freq. 15}

gu2-erim2-ĝal2 [AJ] (GU2-NE.RU-IG)
   hostile {freq. 28}

gu2-gal [AJ] (GU2-GAL)
   foremost {freq. 8}

gu2-gal-la [N] (GU2-GAL-LA)
   chickpea? {freq. 2}

gu2-ĝiri3 [N] (GU2-GIR3)
   breach {freq. 7}

gu2-kal [AJ] (GU2-KAL)
   foremost {freq. 1}

gu2-kiĝ2 [N] (GU2-KIN)
   inhabited world {freq. 3}

gu2-me-ze2 [N] (GU2-ME-ZE2)
   type of beer {freq. 3}

gu2-NE [N] (GU2-NE)
   cult centre? {freq. 2}

gu2-ne-saĝ-ĝa2 [N] (GU2-NE-SAG-GA2)
   type of cabinet {freq. 2}

gu2-nida [N] (GU2-NUNUZ)
   hulled barley {freq. 12}

gu2-re [N] (GU2-RI)
   other side {freq. 7}

gu2-saĝ [N] (GU2-SAG)
   entirety {freq. 3}

gu2-sur-ra [N] (GU2-SUR-RA)
   type of bird {freq. 2}

gu2-sur-ra [N] (GU2-SUR-RA)
   type of fish {freq. 1}

gu2-tar [N] (GU2-TAR)
   neck (hair) {freq. 5}

gu2-tuku [AJ] (GU2-TUK)
   perfect {freq. 9}

gu2-un-gu2-un [N] (GU2-UN-GU2-UN)
   animal noise {freq. 2}

gu2-uš [N] (GU2-UŠ)
   type of instrument {freq. 1}

gu2-zal-a [N] (GU2-NI-A)
   social inferior {freq. 2}

gu3 [N] (KA)
   voice {freq. 562}

gu3-an-ne2-si [N] (KA-AN-NI-SI)
   thunder {freq. 3}

gu3-i3-ra [N] (KA-NI-RA)
   type of plant {freq. 1}

gu3-kiri6 [N] (KA-SAR)
   war cry {freq. 3}

gu4-ud [V] (GUD-UD)
   to jump on {freq. 27}

gu5-li [N] (KU-LI)
   friend {freq. 81}

gu7 [V] (KA×GAR)
   to eat {freq. 535}

gub [V] (DU)
   to stand {freq. 1029}

gub2 [V] (LI)
   to bathe {freq. 3}

gud [N] (GUD)
   bull {freq. 360}

gud-ab2-ba [N] (GUD-AB2-BA)
   breeding bull {freq. 10}

gud-alim [N] (GUD-GIR3×A+IGI)
   bison {freq. 3}

gud-am [N] (GUD-GUD×KUR)
   wild bull {freq. 1}

gud-apin [N] (GUD-APIN)
   plough ox {freq. 2}

gud-i3 [N] (GUD-NI)
   fat bull {freq. 2}

gud-ra [N] (GUD-RA)
   ox driver {freq. 2}

gud-si-AŠ [N] (GUD-SI-AŠ)
   battering ram {freq. 5}

gud-sumun2 [N] (GUD-GUL)
   wild cow {freq. 2}

gud-us2 [N] (GUD-UŠ)
   cowherd {freq. 1}

gud3 [N] (U2.KI.SUM.GA)
   nest {freq. 56}

gudug [N] (HI×NUN.ME)
   type of priest {freq. 20}

gug [N] (ZA.GUL)
   cornelian {freq. 29}

gug [N] (ZA.GUL)
   famine {freq. 2}

gug [N] (ZA.GUL)
   tooth {freq. 8}

gug-gazi [N] (ZA.GUL-GA2×PA)
   type of stone {freq. 1}

gug-kal [N] (ZA.GUL-KAL)
   famine {freq. 2}

gug2 [N] (LU3)
   cake {freq. 17}

gukkal [N] (HUL2)
   fat-tailed sheep {freq. 1}

gukkal-ib2-la2 [N] (HUL2-TUM-LAL)
   long-and-fat-tailed sheep {freq. 1}

gul [V] (GUL)
   to destroy {freq. 351}

gul-gul [N] (GUL-GUL)
   type of stone {freq. 4}

gul-lum [N] (GUL-LUM)
   cat {freq. 1}

gum [V] (GUM)
   to crush {freq. 5}

gum2-ga-am3 [N] (LUM-GA-A.AN)
   animal noise {freq. 3}

gum2-gum2 [N] (LUM-LUM)
   neglect {freq. 1}

gun2 [N] (GU2)
   weight measure (load) {freq. 48}

gun3 [V] (DAR)
   to be multicoloured {freq. 117}

gur [N] (GUR)
   capacity measure {freq. 12}

gur [N] (GUR)
   turban? {freq. 2}

gur [V] (GUR)
   to turn {freq. 153}

gur-da [N] (GUR-DA)
   capacity measure container {freq. 1}

gur4 [V] (LAGAB)
   to be thick {freq. 68}

gur4-gur4 [N] (LAGAB-LAGAB)
   type of fish {freq. 1}

gur8 [V] (TEgunu)
   to bend {freq. 7}

gur8-u6 [N] (TEgunu-IGI.E2)
   wooden object {freq. 1}

gur10 [N] (KIN)
   sickle {freq. 2}

gur10 [V] (KIN)
   to harvest {freq. 8}

gur21 [N] (E.TUM)
   shield {freq. 25}

guru3 [V] (IL2)
   to bear {freq. 175}

guru5 [V] (URU×GU)
   to cut down {freq. 34}

guru7 [N] (GUR7)
   (grain) heap {freq. 30}

guru7 [V] (GUR7)
   to heap up {freq. 12}

guru7-du6 [N] (GUR7-LAGARgunu)
   type of grain heap {freq. 16}

guru7-maš [N] (GUR7-MAŠ)
   type of grain heap {freq. 13}

gurud [V] (NUNtenu.KI)
   to throw down {freq. 11}

gurun [N] (GURUN)
   fruit {freq. 37}

guruš3 [N] (URU×GU)
   noun part of multiword verb {freq. 10}

gurušta [N] (KU7)
   fattener {freq. 4}

guz [V] (LUM)
   to be crushed {freq. 7}

guz [V] (LUM)
   to be tufted {freq. 2}

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© Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The ETCSL project, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford
Updated 2005-06-27 by JE