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e [I] (E)
   vocative expression {freq. 19}

e [N] (E)
   barley? {freq. 1}

e-el-lu [I] (E-EL-LU)
   directive expression {freq. 11}

e-gi-zag-ga [N] (E-GI-ZAG-GA)
   type of stone {freq. 1}

e-ke4-ma [N] (E-KID-MA)
   mallet? {freq. 9}

E.KU [N] (E.KU)
   type of food {freq. 1}

e-la-lu [I] (E-LA-LU)
   type of exclamation {freq. 3}

e-le-el [N] (E-LI-EL)
   type of stone {freq. 3}

e-le-lum [N] (E-LI-LUM)
   type of exclamation {freq. 2}

e-lu-lam [N] (E-LU-LAM)
   sad song {freq. 1}

e-ne [N] (E-NE)
   game {freq. 53}

e-ne [N] (E-NE)
   noun part of multiword verb {freq. 3}

e-ne [PD] (E-NE)
   he, she {freq. 221}

e-ne-ne [PD] (E-NE-NE)
   they {freq. 19}

e-ra-num2 [N] (E-RA-LUM)
   type of tree {freq. 1}

e-re-bu-um [N] (E-RI-BU-UM)
   refugee {freq. 1}

e-ri-ib [N] (E-RI-IB)
   sister-in-law {freq. 4}

e-sig [N] (E-SIG)
   type of bird {freq. 2}

e-sir2 [N] (E-BU)
   sandal {freq. 32}

e-sir2 [N] (E-BU)
   street {freq. 21}

e2 [N] (E2)
   house(hold) {freq. 1625}

e2-bar-ra [N] (E2-BAR-RA)
   outhouse {freq. 1}

e2-DI [N] (E2-DI)
   nest? {freq. 1}

e2-dub-ba-a [N] (E2-DUB-BA-A)
   scribal school {freq. 20}

e2-duru5 [N] (E2-A)
   village {freq. 6}

e2-en-kar2 [N] (E2-EN-GAN2tenu)
   weapon room {freq. 1}

e2-gal [N] (E2-GAL)
   palace {freq. 204}

e2-gi4-a [N] (E2-GI4-A)
   daughter-in-law {freq. 18}

e2-gir4 [N] (E2-U.AD)
   bakery {freq. 1}

e2-gun2 [N] (E2-GU2)
   storeroom {freq. 4}

e2-ĝar8 [N] (E2-SIG4)
   stature {freq. 2}

e2-ĝar8 [N] (E2-SIG4)
   wall {freq. 28}

e2-ĝešpu2 [N] (E2-ŠU.PAP.PAP)
   wrestling house {freq. 1}

e2-i3-gara2 [N] (E2-NI-GAgunu)
   dairy {freq. 1}

e2-kinkin [N] (E2-HI×AŠ2)
   mill {freq. 6}

e2-kurun2 [N] (E2-DIN)
   wine cellar {freq. 1}

e2-la2 [N] (E2-LAL)
   canopy {freq. 7}

e2-lunga3 [N] (E2-ŠIM×GAR)
   brewery {freq. 5}

e2-mar-uru5 [N] (E2-MAR-TEgunu)
   quiver {freq. 5}

e2-me-eš [N] (E2-ME-U.U.U)
   summer {freq. 45}

e2-mi2 [N] (E2-SAL)
   woman's estate {freq. 41}

e2-muḫaldim [N] (E2-MU)
   kitchen {freq. 1}

e2-ninda-ki-sig10 [N] (E2-GAR-KI-SUM)
   funerary chapel {freq. 1}

e2-nu2-da [N] (E2-NA2-DA)
   bedchamber {freq. 6}

e2-nun [N] (E2-NUN)
   type of shrine {freq. 4}

e2-ri-a [N] (E2-RI-A)
   wasteland {freq. 17}

e2-saĝ [N] (E2-SAG)
   grain store {freq. 3}

e2-su-lum-ma [N] (E2-SU-LUM-MA)
   rope box {freq. 2}

e2-suḫur [N] (E2-SUHUR)
   summit shrine {freq. 2}

e2-sumur [N] (E2-SAGgunu)
   lying-in-state room? {freq. 1}

e2-ubur-ra [N] (E2-DAG.KISIM5×GA-RA)
   milking pen {freq. 9}

e2-zu2-ra-aḫ [N] (E2-KA-RA-HI×NUN)
   lying-in-state room? {freq. 1}

e3 [V] (UD.DU)
   to go out or in {freq. 1127}

e3-ba [V] (UD.DU-BA)
   verb part of multiword verb {freq. 10}

e5 [AJ] (SAL.TUG2)
   princely {freq. 14}

ebiḫ2 [N] (EŠ2.MAH)
   heavy rope {freq. 3}

ed3 [V] (LAGARgunu.DU)
   to go down or up {freq. 266}

edin [N] (EDIN)
   open country {freq. 199}

edin-lil2 [N] (EDIN-KID)
   haunted desert {freq. 7}

eg2 [N] (E)
   embankment {freq. 40}

egir2 [N] (EŠ2)
   princess {freq. 10}

eĝer [N] (EGIR)
   back {freq. 90}

eḫ3 [N] (KU.KU)
   cripple {freq. 4}

ellag [N] (LAGAB)
   ball? {freq. 19}

eme [N] (KA×ME)
   tongue {freq. 93}

eme-apin-na [N] (KA×ME-APIN-NA)
   ploughshare {freq. 2}

eme-EŠ2.UŠ-eme-EŠ2.UŠ [N] (KA×ME-EŠ2.UŠ-KA×ME-EŠ2.UŠ)
   scaly leaves {freq. 1}

eme-gir15 [N] (KA×ME-EŠ2)
   Sumerian language {freq. 10}

eme-sig [N] (KA×ME-SIG)
   (ship's) floor plank {freq. 3}

eme-šid [N] (KA×ME-ŠID)
   lizard {freq. 2}

eme-šu-ru-ug-eme-šu-ru-ug [N] (KA×ME-ŠU-RU-PIRIG×UD-KA×ME-ŠU-RU-PIRIG×UD)
   dried palm fronds {freq. 1}

eme-ur-gir15-ra [N] (KA×ME-UR-EŠ2-RA)
   type of plant {freq. 1}

eme3 [N] (SAL.ANŠE)
   female donkey {freq. 5}

emeda [N] (UM.ME)
   nursemaid {freq. 12}

emeda-ga-la2 [N] (UM.ME-GA-LAL)
   wet nurse {freq. 6}

en [N] (EN)
   high priest(ess) {freq. 40}

en [N] (EN)
   lord {freq. 1146}

en-ge-en [N] (EN-GI-EN)
   type of stone {freq. 1}

en-na [AV] (EN-NA)
   how long {freq. 1}

en-na [C] (EN-NA)
   as long as {freq. 29}

en-na [N] (EN-NA)
   extent {freq. 14}

en-na [PD] (EN-NA)
   as many as {freq. 10}

en-na-me-še3 [AV] (EN-NA-ME-EŠ2)
   how long {freq. 3}

en-na-me-še3-am3 [C] (EN-NA-ME-EŠ2-A.AN)
   as long as {freq. 1}

en-nu-uĝ3 [N] (EN-NU-UN)
   guard {freq. 59}

en-te-en [N] (EN-TE-EN)
   winter {freq. 52}

en3 [N] (LI)
   noun part of multiword verb {freq. 105}

en3-bar [N] (LI-BAR)
   marsh reed {freq. 12}

en3-bi-še3 [AV] (LI-BI-EŠ2)
   how long {freq. 1}

en3-du [N] (LI-DU)
   song {freq. 60}

en3-dur [N] (LI-GU2×KAK)
   navel {freq. 5}

en3-še3 [AV] (LI-EŠ2)
   how long {freq. 19}

en3-tukum-še3 [AV] (LI-ŠU.GAR.TUR.LAL-EŠ2)
   how long {freq. 7}

en3-tukum-še3 [AV] (LI-ŠU.GAR.TUR.LAL-EŠ2)
   immediately {freq. 1}

en3-tukum-še3 [C] (LI-ŠU.GAR.TUR.LAL-EŠ2)
   as long as {freq. 1}

engar [N] (APIN)
   farmer {freq. 82}

engiz [N] (EN.ME.GI)
   temple cook {freq. 2}

engur [N] (LAGAB×HAL)
   subterranean water {freq. 32}

enkud [N] (ZAG.HA)
   fisheries inspector {freq. 7}

   type of temple official {freq. 8}

enmen2 [N] (KA×A)
   thirst {freq. 9}

ensi [N] (EN.ME.LI)
   dream interpreter {freq. 10}

ensi2 [N] (PA.TE.SI)
   (city) ruler {freq. 94}

epir [N] (DUG)
   type of container {freq. 1}

er2 [N] (A.IGI)
   tear {freq. 233}

er2 [V] (A.IGI)
   to shed tear {freq. 3}

er2-šag4-ne-ša4 [N] (A.IGI-ŠA3-NE-DU)
   type of composition {freq. 2}

er2-šem3 [N] (A.IGI-AB2׊A3)
   type of song {freq. 5}

er9 [V] (GIR3)
   to be mighty {freq. 38}

ereš [N] (SAL.TUG2)
   lady {freq. 2}

erim2 [N] (NE.RU)
   enemy {freq. 59}

erim2-du [AJ] (NE.RU-DU)
   wicked {freq. 22}

erim2-ĝal2 [AJ] (NE.RU-IG)
   evil {freq. 15}

erim3 [N] (URU×GAR)
   storehouse {freq. 31}

erin [N] (EREN)
   cedar {freq. 125}

erin2 [N] (ERIN2)
   group of people {freq. 116}

erin2 [N] (ERIN2)
   yoke (team) {freq. 6}

erin2 [V] (ERIN2)
   to yoke {freq. 2}

erin2-ḫuš [N] (ERIN2-HI.GIR3)
   battle {freq. 2}

   type of animal {freq. 1}

erin2-saĝ [N] (ERIN2-SAG)
   front part of yoke {freq. 1}

erina8 [N] (MUŠ/MUŠ×A+NA)
   root {freq. 10}

es2-ad [N] (U.U.U-AD)
   trap {freq. 9}

esi [N] (KAL)
   diorite? {freq. 10}

esi [N] (KAL)
   ebony? {freq. 8}

esir2 [N] (LAGAB×KUL)
   bitumen {freq. 11}

eš-bar [N] (U.U.U-BAR)
   decision {freq. 56}

2 [N] (EŠ2)
   rope {freq. 32}

2-da [N] (EŠ2-DA)
   (sacred) goblet {freq. 6}

2-dam [N] (EŠ2-DAM)
   tavern {freq. 11}

2-gana2 [N] (EŠ2-GAN2)
   measuring line {freq. 9}

2-gar3 [N] (EŠ2-GAR3)
   work assignment {freq. 13}

2-giri17 [N] (EŠ2-KA)
   nose rope {freq. 1}

2-šu-ak [N] (EŠ2-ŠU-AK)
   type of rope {freq. 2}

3 [N] (AB)
   shrine {freq. 273}

3-eš3 [N] (AB-AB)
   type of festival {freq. 4}

5-tab-ba [N] (THREE.DIŠ-TAB-BA)
   type of garment {freq. 2}

x [N] (LAM)
   almond (tree) {freq. 2}

eša [N] (A.TIR)
   type of flour {freq. 3}

eše3 [N] (ONE.EŠE3)
   area measure {freq. 3}

ešemen [N] (KI.E.NE.DI)
   skip-rope (game) {freq. 11}

ešgar [N] (AŠ2.GAR3)
   female kid {freq. 1}

ešgiri2 [N] (EN×GAN2tenu)
   staff {freq. 22}

eštub [N] (GUD)
   type of carp {freq. 16}

ezen [N] (EZEN)
   festival {freq. 74}

ezim2 [N] (ŠE.TIR)
   type of stone {freq. 1}

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Updated 2005-06-27 by JE