The one whose fins (?) churn the troubled waters, a fish who seizes …… at a glance (?), my kiĝ fish: may he also enter with you, my fish! With a head like a small millstone, …… a dog's head, (1 line unclear)the fish who does not eat the …… plants, ……, my ĝir-gid fish: may he also enter with you, my fish! With the noise of his entrails ……, my gir fish: may he also enter with you, my fish! The fish who ……, the fish who knows how to escape through a reed barrier, the fish who despite being tasty is an abomination, my ab-suḫur fish: may he also enter with you, my fish! The fish that causes breaches in dykes, with venom in its jaws, my agargar fish: may he also enter with you, my fish! The one whom the merchants ……, my kamar fish: may he also enter with you, my fish! The one whom the Martu fetch away, my nunbar-gid (?) fish: may he also enter with you, my fish!