The king who measured up the hoe (al) and who passes (zal) his time in its tracks, the hero Ninurta, has introduced working with the hoe (altar) into the rebel (bal) lands. He subdues (alĝaĝa) any city that does not obey its lord. Towards heaven he roars (algigi) like a storm, earthwards he strikes (alĝaĝa) like a dragon (ušumgal). Šara { sat down on } { (1 ms. has instead:) got onto } Enlil's knees, and Enlil gave him what he had desired (al-dug): { he had mentioned the mace, the club, arrows and quiver, and the hoe (al) } { (3 mss. have instead:) he desired (al-dug) the mace, the club, arrows and quiver }. Dumuzid is the one who makes the upper land fertile (allumlum). Gibil made his hoe (al) raise its head towards the heavens -- he caused the hoe (al), sacred indeed, to be refined with fire. The Anuna were rejoicing (alḫulḫuledeš).