I made sure that my praise was spoken, by creating numerous songs to Ĝeštin-ana, the honey-mouthed lady. I installed …… my scholars and chief singers. The skilful singers composed for me adab, tigi, šumunša, malgatum, šir-gida, royal praise poems perfect in content, araḫi, balbale, zamzam and kunĝar compositions. They magnify my name in the places where odes are performed. That I am omniscient and broad in wisdom, that I am knowedgeable (?) about the …… of the troops, that I direct the people as a wise shepherd who is brilliant (?) in the face of weapons, that I am skilful in everything, that An has looked favourably on me, that by the word of Enlil ……, that Ninlil is my protection, that Enki has given me wisdom, that Ninurta is all for me (?), that Nanna loves me greatly, that I am the son-in-law of Ningal, that Inana has made me attractive, (2 lines broken or unclear)