My king, you alone perform the ancient rites, a truly immense task. Ninurta, yellow evening light that casts fear over the Land, like holy Uraš, a fearsome dragon brandishing a terrible torch! Ninurta, you alone perform the ancient rites, a truly immense task. Ninurta, yellow evening light that casts fear over the Land, like holy Uraš, a fearsome dragon raising a terrible torch! My king, grandiloquent great warrior, confident in his strength! And may you, Šu-Suen, put your trust in him, in Lord Ninurta. May Šu-Suen, the king whom Enlil has appointed for you, be your constable. Ninurta, grandiloquent great warrior, confident in his strength! And may you, Šu-Suen, put your trust in him, in Lord Ninurta. May Šu-Suen, the king whom Enlil has appointed for you, be your constable. …… of nir stone, …… holy and fearsome ……, a truly immense task. Like …… your august strength, he has written your name on it. …… will be the guardian of his life forever. Šu-Suen! Holy and fearsome, a truly immense task. Like …… your august strength, he has written your name on it. …… will be the guardian of his life forever. (1 line missing)