Lord, perfect warrior, beloved by ……. Ninurta, meš tree with a broad shining canopy, ……. Weapon striding into battle, …… foreign countries. A dragon with a terrifying face, venomous snake who …… its venom against the rebel lands. …… overpowering ……, foremost lion ……. Ninurta, who …… with the great prince Enki. My king, in your city, shrine Nibru, ……. E-šu-me-ša, where …… for you. Lord, the kingship is perfect with you ……. Adviser, the dragon of the Land, ……. Ninurta, the great wall of Nibru, ……. My king, whose divine powers cannot be scattered, warrior ……. Forceful lion, ……. King with the broad wisdom of heaven and earth, ……. Exalted sceptre rising above the Land, ……. Ninurta, who …… the enemy, …….