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A hymn to Ninĝišzida (Ninĝišzida C)

at least 15 lines missing

1-5. …… to you. …… a flood-wave in the river, sweeping over everything like a destructive flood. My king, from your ……. King, from your birth you have …… in abundance. Ninĝišzida, your praise is sweet …….

    6. 1st kirugu.

7-13. Lord Ninĝišzida, ……
1 line fragmentary Hero, …… beloved of holy An, …… born in the shining great mountains, lord …… with sparkling eyes, with the attractiveness of a young man, great hero, the king's right arm on the battlefield, Lord Ninĝišzida, your praise is sweet. They praise you in song.

    14. 2nd kirugu.

15-22. Hero, as you wander on the earth, Ninĝišzida, beloved of An, through you the early flood occurs, and Enki rejoices at you. Through you fine grains are in the fields, and …… rejoices at you. …… head held high, Lord Ninĝišzida. You ……, Lord Ninĝišzida. You extend ……, and you stretch out your claws. Lord Ninĝišzida, your praise is sweet, …….

    23. 3rd kirugu.

24-30. …… he has poured his good seed. Enlil says "Hail!" to Ninĝišzida. He makes known ……, and creates it for you in the Land. ……, born like ……. He looks at your joyful …… Lord Ninĝišzida, your praise is sweet. They praise you in song.

    31. 4th kirugu.

32-39. Hero who gains (?) victories …… in greatness.
1 line fragmentary …… my king …….
3 lines fragmentary Lord Ninĝišzida, your praise is sweet. They praise you in song.

    40. 5th kirugu.

1 line fragmentary …… in your elevated (?) house, …… life. Ninĝišzida, in your elevated (?) house, …… life. …… from the great place ……. …… throne-dais ……
unknown no. of lines missing

Revision history

28.vii.1999-13.viii.1999: JAB, editor: adapting translation
22.x.1999: GZ, editor: minor corrections
22.x.1999: GZ, editor: proofreading
22.x.1999: GZ, editor: SGML tagging
11.ii.2000: ER, editor: proofreading SGML
11.ii.2000: ER, editor: web publication GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion

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Updated 2006-12-19 by JE

University of Oxford