ETCSLtranslation : t.4.07.1 ETCSL homepage

A balbale to Inana (Inana A)

1-11. Great fierce storm, …… radiance! Inana, emitting fearsomeness and radiance in battle! {(1 ms. adds:) Inana, playing (?) in battle! Inana, emitting fearsomeness and radiance in battle!} Where Enlil has commanded it, you make a lion's body and lion's muscles rise up. …… in the south and in the uplands …… like grass. Like Iškur ……. Like their proud mighty heroes, {you ……} {(1 ms. has instead:) may they …… for you} their noses (?) to the ground. May the {great} {(1 ms. has instead:) proud} warrior of kings and queens restore for you the shrine Keš. May he make them …… their noses (?) to the ground for you.

12-23. My lady, you turn your gaze from the abzu (?). An has commanded you ……. You are gifted with divine powers like An the king, and like Enlil you are established in a place of honour. You determine majestic verdicts in the assembly; like a light from heaven within the assembly, you lead (?) the righteous and {seize the wicked} {(1 ms. has instead:) …… the evil}. You {lead (?)} {(1 ms. has instead:) lead forth} the righteous in the palace for Utu. You restore the ……. You …… the people for the king, and ……. Enlil gave you your fierce face and your serious brow.

    24. A balbale of Inana.

Revision history

18.viii.2000-28.v.2002: JAB, editor: translation GC, editor: proofreading GC, editor: SGML tagging
02.xi.2002: ER, editor: proofreading SGML
04.xi.2002: ER, editor: web publication GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion

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Updated 2006-12-19 by JE

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