ETCSLtranslation : t.3.1.03 ETCSL homepage

Letter from Aradĝu to Šulgi about irrigation work

1-2. Say to my lord: thus says Aradĝu, your servant:

3-6. My lord, you have given me instructions about every matter, from the sea and the land of Dilmun, {from the salt waters and the borders of the land of the Martu} {(some mss. have instead:) to the salt waters and the borders of the land of the Martu}, {to} {(1 ms. has instead:) from} the {side (?)} {(1 ms. has instead:) borders (?)} of Simurrum and {the territory of ……} {(1 ms. has instead:) the territory of Subir}:

7-11. Their various cities and {all their environs} {(1 ms. has instead:) their troops}, their canals, fields, arable tracts and their embankments and ditches,
1 line unclear
All the cities are listening to my lord.
1 line unclear

12-14. I have established strong guards for their fortresses, and I have made all their troops submit.
1 line unclear

15-22. I have drained the arable tracts when they were flooded. I have …… when their embankments were leaky (?). I have …… their fields and reedbeds. …… bowing their heads …….
4 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Revision history

26.iii.2001-28.iii.2001: EFH, editor: adapting translation
18.v.2001: JAB, editor: proofreading
03.viii.2001: GZ, editor: SGML tagging
24.viii.2001: ER, editor: proofreading SGML
24.viii.2001: ER, editor: web publication GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion

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Updated 2006-12-19 by JE

University of Oxford