38-47. 1 line fragmentary ...... raised his head high. ...... before him ...... rejoiced at him. ...... embraced him. Your ...... has determined the destiny. May you be their ......, exercising lordship over them. May ...... which has been bestowed on you never cease. You are well-suited for ......, and may its time be prolonged for you. A destiny has been determined for you and you have been called by name; may you have no rival!
Revision history
25.iii.1999-31.iii.1999: JAB, editor: adapting translation 06.v.1999: GZ, editor: proofreading 08.vi.1999: GZ, editor: SGML tagging 11.vi.1999: ER, editor: proofreading SGML 11.vi.1999: ER, editor: web publication 01.vi.2003: GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion