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An adab to An for Cu-Suen (Cu-Suen E)

Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing

1. Warrior from birth .......

    2. Cagbatuku.

3-6. Wise Cu-Suen .......
1 line fragmentary ...... dais ....... ...... the beauty and ornament .......

    7. 2nd (?) barsud.

8-11. An ....... Cu-Suen .......
2 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1 line fragmentary Cu-Suen ...... rising .......

    3. Sa-gida.

1 line fragmentary

    5. Jicgijal of the sa-gida.

6-8. As An determined the fates ....... Holy An determined the fates, ...... the shrine Urim ....... Like the sunlight An ...... for Cu-Suen.

    9. Its uru.

    10. An adab of An. (lines 9 and 10 are written as one line in source)

Revision history

03.iv-26.v.2000: GZ, editor: translation
26.vii.2000: JAB, editor: proofreading
27.vii.2000: GC, editor: SGML tagging
15.ix.2000: ER, editor: proofreading SGML
15.ix.2000: ER, editor: web publication GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion

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© Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The ETCSL project, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford
Updated 2006-12-19 by JE

University of Oxford