ETCSLtransliteration : c. ETCSL homepage

A hymn to Ninurta for Icme-Dagan

Segment A

1. den-ki en dumu-saj an kug-ga
2. nam-den-lil2-ban3-da-ac mu-ni-in-il2-i-ic an ki-a du7 mah-e-ec
3. ki pad3-de3 jectug2 7-bi saj-e-ec mu-ni-in-rig7-ec
4. ad gi4-gi4 nam gal tar-tar-re
5. ud e3 X X X-ce3 igi-jal2 cum2-mu gi16-sa-ce3 mu-ni-in-ak-/ec\
6. abzu kug e2 /ceg12\-bi KA X bar-bi cag4 kuc2-u3
7. cag4 X X [...] X igi-ni-ce3 ja2-ja2
8. [...] X X X
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1. [e-ne]-/ne nun\ [er9]-/me-ec en nam tar-re-me-ec\
2. cag4-zu-a en dnin-urta-ra me mu-na-ni-in-cum2-mu-uc
3. nibruki cir3 /kug\-zu nij2 kal-kal a-re-ec dib-ba-am3
4. dic-me-dda-gan-me-en du-ri2-ce3 ka-ga14 mu-ni-jar

Print sources

Tinney 1995, p. 18-20: composite text, handcopy, commentary, translation

Electronic sources

Tinney 1998aaa: composite text

Cuneiform sources

N 2176 + N 6276; provenance: Nippur

Revision history GZ, editor: standardisation
30.vii.1999: JAB, editor: proofreading
06.viii.1999: GZ, editor: SGML tagging
03.ix.1999: ER, editor: proofreading SGML
03.ix.1999: ER, editor: web publication GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion
30.iii.2005: GC/JE, senior editor/technical developer: lemmatised version published

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© Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The ETCSL project, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford
Updated 2006-12-19 by JE

University of Oxford