ETCSLtransliteration : c.4.19.4 ETCSL homepage

A balbale (?) to Ninĝišzida (Ninĝišzida D)

1. [X X] il2 nir-ĝal2 an kug-ga barag maḫ-a IM /il2\ [X] X
2. X [X] X ĝal2-la en dnin-ĝiš-zid-da-ke4 en X []
3. KA [X] X da-nun-ke4-ne diĝir ki-a []
4. dnin-ĝiš-zid-da da-nun-ke4-ne diĝir /ki\-[a ]
5. dumu nun an-ne2 a2 ma-ra-an-šum2 X []
6. dnin-ĝiš-zid-da a2 an-ne2 ma-ra-[an-šum2 ]
7. [] [da]-nun-ke4-ne []
unknown no. of lines missing

Print sources

Sjöberg 1975a, p. 309-310, 322: photograph, commentary, translation, score transliteration

Cuneiform sources

CBS 10222 r. 8ff. (photo StOr 46 322)

Revision history

28.vii.1999: JAB, editor: standardisation
02.xii.1999: GZ, editor: proofreading
03.xii.1999: GC, editor: SGML tagging
11.ii.2000: ER, editor: proofreading SGML
11.ii.2000: ER, editor: web publication GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion
30.iii.2005: GC/JE, senior editor/technical developer: lemmatised version published

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Updated 2006-12-19 by JE

University of Oxford