ETCSLtransliteration : c. ETCSL homepage

An adab to Dagan (?) for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan U)

unknown no. of lines missing
1. /e2\-kur-/ra\ e2 []
2. šu il2-la-zu-še3! diĝir gal-gal-/e\-[ne ]
3. /ur2\ kug til3 niĝ2 dug3 dirig-zu-še3! []
4. /bal?\ dug3-bi-še3 ĝal2-ĝal2-la AB X []
5. /d\iš-me-dda-gan dumu den-lil2-[la2] []
6. [e2]-gal-maḫ e2 nam-nin-a-za UL []
7. [X] nun-ne2 ĝišmeš3 pa mul-la X []
8. [nam]-/til3\-la-ni dug3-ge daĝal diš-me-[dda-gan] []
9. [] ki? DAG.KISIM5×X kug dumu an-na KA X []
10. [] X eĝer-bi []
11. [] / di\ kud-ba kur-re ḫe2-si? []
12. [] X igi bar šeg12 e2-kur-ra-ka []
13.     [sa]-ĝar-[ra-am3]

14. [dda]-/gan\ sipad diš-me-da-gan-na dumu den-[lil2-la2]-[X] tug2pala bar-še3 /šu?\ []
15.     [ĝiš-gi4]-ĝal2 sa-/ĝar\-[ra-bi-im]

16. /en\ maḫ me an-na me ki KA ḪI? gal []
17. dda-gan en maḫ me an-na me ki /KA\ [ḪI gal ]
18. diš-me-dda-gan kalam-ma mi-ni-in-/suḫ\ [] šu ḫu-mu-e-[…]
19.     [u18-ru12]-bi-im

20.     a-da-ab [dda-gan-kam] (lines 19 and 20 are written as one line in source)

Print sources

Sjöberg 1973, p. 19-20, 22, 51: composite text, handcopy, commentary, translation

Electronic sources

Krecher 1998e: composite text, translation

Tinney 1998tt: composite text

Cuneiform sources

N 3367 (ZA 63 1973] 51)

Revision history

09.iii.2000: GZ, editor: standardisation JAB, editor: proofreading GC, editor: SGML tagging ER, editor: proofreading SGML ER, editor: web publication GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion
30.iii.2005: GC/JE, senior editor/technical developer: lemmatised version published

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Updated 2006-12-19 by JE

University of Oxford