ETCSLtransliteration : c. ETCSL homepage

A balbale to Enki for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan E)

Segment A

1 line missing
2. [] /šag4 kug-ga\ X []
3. /inim sig10-sig10\-ge inim-ma-ni u18-ru eš-bar-e X []
4. [X] X X palil diĝir-re-e-ne niĝ2-nam-ma gal-/zu\ []
5. [X X] den-ki šag4 kuš2 an kug-ga ad gi4-gi4 kur /gal\ []
6. [] palil diĝir-re-e-ne niĝ2-nam-ma gal-/zu\ []
7. [X X] den-ki šag4 kuš2 an kug-ga ad gi4-gi4 /kur\ [gal ]
8. [sa2] pad3-de3 dug4-ga-ni nu-kam3-me a-ra2-a-ni ni2 []
9. šag4 su3-ud-ĝal2 me šar2-ra u5-a /den?\-lil2-gin7 []
10. dnu-dim2-mud barag kug si-par3-si-par3 AN []
11. en ni2 guru3 an uraš-e tud-da pap gal []
12. lugal a-ra2 zu den-lil2-la2 saĝ en3 tar []
13. [] zag dib dumu-saĝ an kug-ga me-ni /šu\ nu-/teĝ3\-[ĝa2 ]
14. [den]-lil2 ban3-da dug4-ga zid-da ĝiš-ḫur-e X []
15. dnu-dim2-mud en nam tar-tar-re kalam /ge\-[en ]
16. den-ki gud gal eridugki-ga il2 [] X X
17. X buluĝ3 dirig da-nun-ke4-[ne] []
18. X NU DUB UN /KA?\ []
19. [] u8?-gin7 []
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

(The sequence of Segments B and C is uncertain, and they may well belong to a different composition)
1. [] X ĝal2-la []
2. [diš-me]-[d]/da-gan\ []
3. [] X UD ḪA []
4. [] /NE\ e2? den-/lil2\ []
5. [] den-lil2-la2-ra /KA\ [] dug4-ga-/ni?\ []
6. [] šag4 kuš2 an kug-/ga\ []
7. [] X ZI TA /DU?\
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

(The sequence of Segments B and C is uncertain, and they may well belong to a different composition)
1. dnu-dim2-[mud] []
2. en eridugki []
3. diš-me-d[da-gan] []
4. dumu den-lil2-[la2] []
5. a2?-zu mu-da-[…-aĝ2 ]
6. igi-ĝal2 pad3 []
7. ĝiš-ḫur tuku []
8. kug-zu niĝ2-/nam\-[ma ]
9. /kiĝ2?\ maḫ []
10. X X []
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment D

1. [] me /dirig\ []
2. [] AGA? TUM LI []
3. [X] X kurun2 &kaš;ulušin3 X []
4. [KI]./LUGAL\.GUB-a šu si ḫa-/ra\-[…-sa2 ] giri17 šu ḫa-ra-[…-ĝal2]
5. [] /sizkur2\-ra ma-<ra>-ni-ib2-be2 X []
6. [diš-me]-dda-gan dumu den-lil2-la2-ke4 /nam\-[til3-la-na ud zig3-ga] /ud\ ḫa-ba-ni-ib2-su3-[ud X]
7. a-a den-ki diš-me-dda-gan dumu den-lil2-la2-[ke4] nam-til3-la-na ud zig3-ga [ud ḫa-ba-ni-ib2-su3-ud X]
8.     ĝiš-gi4-ĝal2-bi-im

9.     bal-bal-e den-ki-ka-[kam] (lines 8 and 9 are written as one line in source)

Print sources

Green 1975, p. 65-70: composite text, commentary, translation

Sjöberg 1976a, p. 165-166, 169-171, 180: score transliteration, translation, commentary

Electronic sources

Krecher 1996: composite text

Tinney 1998dd: composite text

Cuneiform sources

Ni 4105 (OrNS 22 pl. 51; ISET 1 37)

Ni 4311 (ISET 1 86)

Ni 4403 (ISET 1 152)

3N-T500 = IM 58523 (photo 180)

Revision history

07.v.2000: GZ, editor: standardisation
28.ix.2000: JAB, editor: proofreading
03.x.2000: GC, editor: SGML tagging
08.xii.2000: ER, editor: proofreading SGML
26.x.2000: ER, editor: web publication GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion
30.iii.2005: GC/JE, senior editor/technical developer: lemmatised version published

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Updated 2006-12-19 by JE

University of Oxford